By default, Aleph.js pre-renders every page. This means that Aleph.js generates HTML for each page in advance, instead of rendering it with client-side JavaScript. Pre-rendering can result in better performance and SEO.

Each generated HTML page only needs a small amount of JavaScript. When a page is loaded by the browser, its JavaScript code runs and makes the page fully interactive. (This process is called hydration.)

You can disable SSR functionality in aleph.config.ts:

export default <Config>{
  ssr: false, // SPA mode

or specify exclude paths:

export default <Config>{
  ssr: {
    exclude: [

SSR Options

If you export an object called ssr with a props function from a page, Aleph.js will pre-render this page using the returned props by the props function at build time. The Request object is passed as the first parameter of the function. (This is equal to getStaticProps of Next.js)

The paths in the ssr options returns a static paths if the page is a dynamic route. (This is equal to getStaticPaths of Next.js)

import React from ''
import type { SSROptions } from ''

export const ssr: SSROptions = {
  props: async req => {
    return {
      $revalidate: 1, // revalidate props after 1 second
      username: await auth(req.headers.get('Auth-Token')),
  paths: async () => {
    return []

export default function Page(props) {
  return (
    <p>Welcome back {props.username}, the server time is {props.serverTime}</p>

We don't provide the getServerSideProps of Next.js, instead we allow the ssr.props access to Request, with $revalidate in the returned props equals true or 0, you can complete same thing.

export const ssr: SSROptions = {
  props: async req => {
    return {
      $revalidate: 0, // revalidate props each request
      username: await auth(req.headers.get('Auth-Token'))

useDeno hook

Aleph.js also provides an useDeno hook to mix the Deno runtime in your component:

import React from ''
import { useDeno } from ''

export default function Page() {
  const version = useDeno(() => {
    return Deno.version

  return (
    <p>Powered by Deno v{version.deno}</p>

To learn more useDeno, check the useDeno Hook documentation.

Static Site Generation (SSG)

Aleph.js can export your app as a static site with rendered htmls, which can be served on any server or CDN.

$ aleph build

For dynamic routes with SSR, your can define the static paths in the ssr options:

// pages/post/[id].tsx

import type { SSROptions } from ''

export const ssr: SSROptions = {
  paths: async () => {
    const posts = await (await fetch('https://.../api/posts')).json()
    return{ id }) => `/post/${id}`)

export default function Post() {
  return (

See the hello-world example on Vercel.