
For custom advanced behavior of Aleph.js, add an aleph.config.ts file in the root of your project directory.


Aleph.js is a fullstack framework in Deno. Currently we only support React as the frontend renderer.

import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  framework: 'react'

Base Path

basePath allows you to set a path prefix for the application.

import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  basePath: '/docs'


build specifies the options for Build command.

  • target: string specifies the build target in production mode (default is 'es2015', available targets: 'es2015' - 'es2021', and 'esnext').
  • browsers: Record<string, number> adds the target browsers for esbuild (supported browsers: 'chrome' | 'edge' | 'firefox' | 'ios' | 'safari').
  • outputDir: string specifies the output directory for build command (default is '/dist').
import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  build: {
    target: 'es2015',
    browsers: { chrome: 90, safari: 12 },
    outputDir: '/dist',

Configuring CSS

css specifies the css processing options.

  • cache: boolean caches remote css to local if it equals true.
  • postcss: { plugins: PostCSSPlugin[] } specifies the postcss plugins. The PostCSSPlugin can be a name string that is imported from
  • modules: CSSModulesOptions specifies CSS modules behavior, the options are passed on to postcss-modules.
import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  css: {
    cache: true,
    postcss: { plugins: [ 'autoprefixer' ] },
    modules: {
      scopeBehaviour: 'global', // can be 'global' or 'local'

SSR Options

ssr enables SSR feature for your project, default is enable for all pages.

import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  ssr: true

Mix SSR and SPA:

export default <Config>{
  ssr: {
    include: [/.html$/],
    exclude: [/^\/admin\//],

Pure SPA mode:

export default <Config>{
  ssr: false


i18n enables multiple locales for the routing.

import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  i18n: {
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    locales: ['en', 'zh-CN'],

Check I18n routing documentation for I18N support.

Server Options

server specifies the options for Aleph Server.

  • middlewares: APIMiddleware[] a list of Middleware for API requests.
  • headers: Record<string, string> appends custom headers for server requests.
  • rewrites: Record<string, string> specifies the server rewrite map.
  • compress: boolean enables compression(gzip/brotli) for static files and SSR content (default is true for production mode).
import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  server: {
    middlewares: [
      ({ response, data }, next) => {
        response.headers.set('server', 'Aleph.js')
        data.set('foo', 'bar')
    headers: {
      'Server': 'Custom'
    rewrites: {
      '/p/[id]': '/blog/[id]'
    compress: true


plugins provides some plugins to extend Aleph.js runtime.

import markdown from ''
import type { Config } from ''

export default <Config>{
  plugins: [

To find Aleph plugins, check our Official Plugins and Community Plugins.