useDeno hook

In Next.js, two functions called getStaticProps and getServerSideProps are used by the pages to fetch data at build time (SSG) or on each request (SSR) respectively. This solution isolates the data and view like different roles of the back-end and front-end.

In Aleph.js, we prefer to use hooks. A react hook we provide called useDeno allows you to access Deno runtime in a component, that's more closed to React's credo.

import React from ''
import { useDeno } from ''

export default function Page() {
  const version = useDeno(() => {
    return Deno.version

  return (
    <p>Powered by Deno v{version.deno}</p>

Even asynchronous callback is accepted:

import React from ''
import { useDeno, useRouter } from ''

export default function Post() {
  const { params } = useRouter()
  const post = useDeno(async () => {
    return await (await fetch(`https://.../post/${}`)).json()

  return (

How It Works

The useDeno hook receives a callback as first parameter that will be invoked during the server side rendering(SSR), then cache the returned result. In the browser, the callback will be ignored(tree-shaked), and the cached result will be used instead.

Access to Request

Like the ssr.props option, you can access the Reqeust in useDeno callback.

export default function Page() {
  const isLogined = useDeno(req => {
    return req.headers.get('Auth') === 'XXX'
  }, { revalidate: true })

  return (
    <p>isLogined: {isLogined}</p>


An optional amount in seconds after which a page re-generation can occur (defaults is no revalidating). More on Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR).

import React from ''
import { useDeno } from ''

export default function Page() {
  const now = useDeno(() => {
  }, { revalidate: 1 })

  return (
    <p>Server Time: {now}</p>

If the revalidate equals 0 or true, then revalidates props each request.

export default function Page() {
  const isLogined = useDeno(req => {
    return req.headers.get('Auth') === 'XXX'
  }, { revalidate: true })

  return (
    <p>isLogined: {isLogined}</p>


  • useDeno only works in SSR mode.
  • To fetch data asynchronously at build time (SSG), the renderToString method may be invoked repeatedly until all the async data is ready.