
Aleph.js (or Aleph or א or 阿莱夫, ˈɑːlɛf) is a fullstack framework in Deno, inspired by Next.js.

The name is taken from the book The Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges.

Different with Next.js, Aleph.js doesn't need webpack or other bundler since it uses the [ES Module] syntax during development. Every module only needs to be compiled once, and then cached on the disk. When a module changes, Aleph.js just needs to re-compile that single module. There is no time wasted re-bundling everytime a change is made. This, along with Hot Module Replacement (HMR) and Fast Refresh, leads to instant updates in the browser.

Aleph.js uses modern tools to build your app. It transpiles code using swc in WASM with high performance, and bundles modules with esbuild at build time extremely fast.

Aleph.js works on top of Deno, a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. All dependencies are imported using URLs, and managed by Deno cache system. No package.json and node_modules directory needed.

import React from ''
import Logo from '../components/logo.tsx'

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <Logo />
      <h1>Hello World!</h1>


  • Zero Config
  • Typescript in Deno
  • ES Module Ready
  • Import Maps
  • HMR with Fast Refresh
  • File-system Routing
  • JSX Magic
  • Plugins System
  • Powered by Modern Tools


Currently in beta, not ready for production.


Under the MIT License.